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Entre versos, brincadeira e dicas de leitura, crianças celebram Dia da Poesia no Radinho BdF
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Programa Bem Viver discute impacto da possível retomada de despejos
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Entendas os efeitos e impactos do aumento no preço da gasolina no Programa Bem Viver
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#417 Movimentos de luta por moradia pedem prorrogação da decisão do STF que proíbe despejos em 2022
A woman walks by a mural depicting late activist Marielle Franco in the Estacio neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during general elections, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 7, 2018. - Brazilians began casting ballots Sunday in their most divisive presidential election in years, with a far-right politician promising an iron-fisted crackdown on crime, Jair Bolsonaro, the firm favorite in the first round. (Photo by DANIEL RAMALHO / AFP)
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Há quatro anos, a pergunta: Quem mandou matar Marielle? Acompanhe no Programa Bem Viver
A woman walks by a mural depicting late activist Marielle Franco in the Estacio neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during general elections, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 7, 2018. - Brazilians began casting ballots Sunday in their most divisive presidential election in years, with a far-right politician promising an iron-fisted crackdown on crime, Jair Bolsonaro, the firm favorite in the first round. (Photo by DANIEL RAMALHO / AFP)
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#416 A potência de Marielle Franco está viva em muitas mulheres da política brasileira
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É hora de liberar o uso de máscaras? Entenda no Programa Bem Viver
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Conheça no Programa Bem Viver ação que une agricultures de regiões semiáridas da América Latina
Refugees stand in line in the cold as they wait to be transferred to a train station after crossing the Ukrainian border into Poland, at the Medyka border crossing in Poland, on March 7, 2022. - More than 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion, according to the latest UN data on March 6, 2022. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP)
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Programa Bem Viver discute situação dos refugiados da Ucrância
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Como crianças vivenciam o machismo e como ele limita oportunidades? Confira no Radinho BdF